Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34: "B" Month

Today marks the third day of ‘AB normal' month and once again, it snowed in Rome – a rare happening and opportunity for Romans. It was two years ago since it last snowed here, and at that time they said it was twenty years ago since it last snowed in Rome. How lucky am I to have witnessed it, and for the first time experienced to see, touch and taste snowflakes. As soon as I was told about it two days ago, I have been waiting in joyful anticipation. The excitement grew to the point of exaggeration but the wait was worth it - dreams do come true.

With my camera ready and a snow jacket (c/o Fr Romy), I allowed the five year old in me to enjoy the experience, under the biting cold and under ‘cheesy’ smiles from people who were either bored or jealous. I even helped scattered rock salt and clear the stairway, scooping the snow-turned ice with my bare hands and a small tool we found upstairs – everything for the sake of enjoying the moment.

I was in the library when a co-priest and co-Filipino called my attention to look outside. I immediately left what I’m doing, headed to my ‘camera’ and had my camera set and the rest is history.  

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