Monday, April 18, 2011

1, 2, 3

On my headboard are three units of cellular phone, of different brands. You might conclude it’s vanity. I say yes and no. Yes since I only need one in order to communicate. No since today’s communication is being challenged by modern technologies, thus a little complicated. Quantity helps limit the complexity. But still I share the same sentiments with you that having three is undoubtedly many. My first unit is being used to receive text from my family back home. Text messaging is way cheaper than an overseas call. I needed a unit for that purpose. The second unit is a handyman since it fits almost all of my basic necessities for communication. It has been two years since I settled with it and been practically satisfied. The third unit just came into the picture a month ago. It’s the latest if not the costliest among the parade of mobile phones. It got almost everything you need. To put it simply, it boils down to everything ‘i”. The concern now is not the advancement of technologies but the manner by which we adapt to it. The same rationale applies when you got three units instead of just one. It’s not about ‘addiction’, its more of making best use of what you have.   

Sunday, April 17, 2011


People tried very hard to find a place where they would and could feel belonged. They practice from dusk till dawn not to only get it right but to get it perfect. Perfection seems to be an inevitable requirement to get the job well done. Perfection seems to be the only necessary requirement to get approval and affirmation. Perfection is something money cannot buy although some people would be delighted to prove the claim wrong. And why money is not the word for perfection? Because perfection needs talent in all its facets of expression. Talent is something innate, not a second nature nor an accident. Talent is who and what the person is. It is a gift free of charge but a gift with corresponding commitment. Commitment is what brings out one’s talent into its perfection. It is an imperative element to bring it into its fulfillment and appropriate use. People tried real hard to make such a thing happen. And unless they've got it right and perfect, remoteness is always an option.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit of God
Come into my heart and fill me.
I open the window of my soul to let you in;
I surrender my whole life to you.
Come and posses me, fill me with light and truth.
I offer you the one thing I really posses,
My capacity for being filled by You.
Of myself I am an empty vessel.
Fill me so that I may live the life of the Spirit.
The life of truth and goodness
The life of wisdom and strength.
But above all, make Christ be formed in me.
That I may dethrone self in my heart
And make Him king.
So that He may be in me, and I in Him.
Today and forever more, Amen.