Sunday, April 17, 2011


People tried very hard to find a place where they would and could feel belonged. They practice from dusk till dawn not to only get it right but to get it perfect. Perfection seems to be an inevitable requirement to get the job well done. Perfection seems to be the only necessary requirement to get approval and affirmation. Perfection is something money cannot buy although some people would be delighted to prove the claim wrong. And why money is not the word for perfection? Because perfection needs talent in all its facets of expression. Talent is something innate, not a second nature nor an accident. Talent is who and what the person is. It is a gift free of charge but a gift with corresponding commitment. Commitment is what brings out one’s talent into its perfection. It is an imperative element to bring it into its fulfillment and appropriate use. People tried real hard to make such a thing happen. And unless they've got it right and perfect, remoteness is always an option.  

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