The Beginning...
My five months pastoral training at St. Catherine’s Parish is ending today. I have had wonderful opportunities meeting our parishioners and to do my role as a religious and as a deacon. Yesterday, I said my last homily as a deacon with them. I mentioned to them that since I am still in pastoral training, I can be forgiven for my grammatical errors in saying my homily in Mandarin, a task I always find very difficult. But much is expected of me when I return as a priest because I can no longer use the alibi ‘I am in pastoral training’. My gratitude goes to Fr Matthew, our pastor who gave me the encouragement to do some tasks either I have not done yet or afraid to do. His helping me do the ‘jobs’ is a great deal for me. I realized that becoming a priest is not that difficult more than being a priest. If there is one goal I want to achieve as a future priest, it is to be a good and holy priest. I am aware this is what priests say, whether implicit or explicit; before or after ordination, and which may sound too ideal for our ears but it is better to say it now and fall short later on than never have such conviction and chance to prove others wrong.
My journey continues...
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