Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 98 to Day 110: Trip to US East Coast

April 17, 2012

I am still in NYC and waiting for my flight to Rome tonight. The cancellation of the flight yesterday and the long agony of waiting in the line and of bargaining to get an earlier flight was an experience to remember. This situation proves that all passengers are on equal terms, although priority seats still went to passengers in first and business class. I was watching everyone’s reaction and to my surprise only few people had shown outrage from what had occurred. I chose not to argue for two reasons – it was past midnight and I was dead tired. I understand that the ground personnel are trying their best to squeeze us in as everyone wants an earlier flight. But it’s just a matter of who gets first in the line. So whatever is left and if they could try to give me the best possible flight, then I’ll be alright.

So I had to stay overnight in a hotel in NYC. Life sometimes offers an unexpected twist. We’ve already flown for two hours when the pilot announced that the plane has been experiencing a technical problem and right there decided to fly back to our origin of departure. In chorus, everybody sigh in exasperation. However, the captain made his point that his primary priority is everyone’s safety. In this kind of situation no one would dare argue or complain; instead be grateful that the problem was detected earlier and we landed safe and sound. In other words, it is better that way than be sorry.

I got to meet and talk to the woman who was seated beside me in the plane. She hails from Israel but attends a medical school in Rome. Like everybody else aboard she also hopes that she’ll get back to Rome on time. She’s one of the few passengers I mentioned earlier who did not able to contain herself when she was not given an earlier flight, and like most of us end up very upset. I also got acquainted with an Italian woman from Southern Italy whose request for a train ticket refund in Rome was denied. All I hear from the AA staff is that they can’t do anything to fix the damage the cancellation of flight brought about. In the end she agreed to take a connecting flight via a different airline.

On my part, I tried to keep my frustration to myself and try to reflect on the message this ‘ordeal’ has for me and to everyone, including the AA staff and crew. I couldn’t complain to have given a very nice hotel room and also couldn’t complain to have stayed one more day in the city, which is by the way I plan to revisit as often as opportunity comes in. The best part of all is to know that I am safe and that a delay is never the end of the world – it happens for a reason and is teaching us something of a great value. My final words before I close my eyes, ‘Thanks be to God.’

April 16, 2012

We have a scorching heat today after days of fine weather. My friend JC told us that this is just a pre-taste of summer heat. Coming from a tropical country like the Philippines it should be bearable to me. However, having experienced winter and spring in Rome, I don’t think I can stand the kind of heat we had today. This calls for a tough preparation this summer. We made a last minute shopping and this thing calls for a quick mind. I bought some more few stuff for personal use like shoes and sport shirt. I guess I am pampering myself a bit since I have discovered that items here in the US are a lot cheaper than in Rome.

April 15, 2012

We heard mass at St Matthew’s Parish. The deacon preached. Why him? Because it is his ‘right.’ Anyway, he did an ‘okay job.’ It made me realized that somehow priests do better since they have time to prepare and really deliver. Anyway, it did not spoil the 2nd Sunday of Easter because after all it’s the whole liturgy that counts.  

We went to Melton Park. I bought some personal clothes, generally for winter and spring use. JC and I bought Perci her long wish ‘Pandora’ bracelet and charms. She was obviously very elated and at times excited about it. And yes, JC got me a headset. We had our lunch at cheesecake factory. The food and service were both great. We spent like two hours dining, talking and joking around in between.

tita Ena prepared dinner for her close friends at her house. This amazing, cancer-survivor lady is the ‘mother hen’ of everyone who came tonight including Perci and me. My friend Josie, her husband Steve and their daughters Janelle and Janice also came over to meet me and JC. We ended up the night listening to Rolan’s (another guest) funny stories. It was a fun filled family of friends’ Sunday. Thank you tita Ena, and rest assured of my prayers to you. By the way, good wishes on your travel back to the Philippines!

April 14, 2012

We woke up late today and had our brunch at a Chinese ‘shabu-shabu’ resto. kuya Ado managed to get the ladies drunk last night, get them recover from hangover and get us a nice Brunch treat. Borrowing Perci’s words and expression again, ‘I love kuya Ado, he’s really super-super nice.’ While the ladies enjoyed their ‘assorted’ shot of drinks last night, ate Norie and I sang until the cock crowed, while kuya Ado busied himself mixing the drinks.  It was nice to meet another friend, ate Beverly, who like JC and Perci enjoyed the ‘party’ a bit too much.

Then we headed to the city to meet the sisters and Perci’s nieces, Joanna and Raiza. It has been awhile since I last saw Joanna and ‘mama mia’ she looks hot. She had a big transformation, but for the better. Then a bit later Jerome came to meet us. And then a bit later again, tito Ronnie with his buddy joined the group. We hang out at Times Square, walked, talked and grabbed group photos until finally we decided to fill our hungry stomachs. Of course for Filipinos meal takes forever.  Then we went to our separate ways, Joanna and Raiza to their place, tito Ronnie and his buddy to theirs, kuya Ado and Jerome to meet another friend, JC, Perci and myself got the NJ transit back to JC’s place. It was already passed midnight when we reached Edison and we are very thankful to Grace’s effort for the ride back home.

April 13, 2012

Today is a relax day. We woke up a bit late then headed to complete some errands. I made sure today that I bought the items requested from me by friends back in Rome.  I was able to get a magic jack. Perci got a new camera and some more stuff at Costco. It would seem that shopping is becoming a hobby now. I must say that I am enjoying it. However, don’t get me wrong, I only buy the things I do ‘need’ and not the things I ‘want.’ There’s a huge difference between the two. I hope I sounded convincing.

By nine o’clock pm the three of us arrived the city to meet ate Nora and ate Yolly. I met these lovely ladies last year in Taiwan through ate Salome who is based in Taiwan. It was a fun reunion and an extension of friendship. They have invited us for dinner at their place. ate Yolly was a great cook and ate Nora was a lovely hostess. We had a very good meal and fun night with them and the three of us can’t wait to have another time with them. Borrowing Perci’s expression of gratitude, to ates Nora and Yolly, ‘thank you, super-super thank you!

April 12, 2012

DC day. tita Ena and tita Zen were with us. The weather was very nice today at DC. It’s a pity that the cherry blossom was no longer there to see. Just the same, the place was very pleasing to visit especially in CUA and the Basilica. We tried to see the city but did not able to get a parking space. It was near 4pm when we arrived there and it was impossible to park anywhere. JC had history of ticket violations while in DC so we avoided that to happen this time. We did some photo taking then headed back to the Basilica to attend the afternoon Mass, the best thing that we’ve received from our trip to DC.

Then we met with another friend Carolyn, who was introduced to me by Fr Philip and whom JC met last year when she accompanied me to DC. She took us to dinner at a Chinese resto in Maryland and even guided us back to 95 highway. Then the worst scenario happened – bad traffic which caused us two more hours on the road. Thankfully I had my Christmas songs downloaded in my Iphone and played them the whole time. It relieved us from boredom and impatient, especially on JC’s favor. It was one of the most memorable times we had, playing Christmas songs in April, how cool is that?  We arrived past midnight, tired and very tired.

April 11, 2012

We met and had breakfast with Alex and Manique and their kids – they are friends of JC. Then we went to Jersey Shore mall for shopping. Well, I got a little carried away doing shopping since I got convinced that goods from the US, especially clothes are cheaper than Rome. I am with four ‘single ladies’ and you bet how long we stayed at this open mall. Nevertheless, we did have a good time. Come dinner time, we were invited to join Alex’s family hoping that I can bless the house recently bought by his nephew. Unfortunately, I was not able to bless the house because the owners were not at home. Anyway, it was a nice meeting, and a nice evening.

April 10, 2012

Homebody today. We stayed in the house because JC has to work. Since I got no international driver’s license, I don’t want to risk driving anywhere. Instead Perci and I did our own errands from laundry to responding to emails. tita Ena dropped by with ‘lechon kawali’ and that made the day. And yes, we went to Costco to buy things for shipping. There we met ate Evelyn, a good friend of tita Ena and Jo. I had my first taste of Dunkin Donuts’ coffee since arriving in NJ.

April 09, 2012

kuya Ado treated us to a Vietnamese restaurant before going to the city. JC made a reservation ticket for Perci and I to see the 911 Memorial. I was kind of pissed off because I carry three luggage in the busy street of NYC. There was no place to store them while doing the sightseeing so I have to carry and pull them all the way.

I met with Melchor, a friend whom I had not seen since he left the Order 10 years ago. He is now an NYC-RN and enjoying his life to the full. It was good and I am happy for you my friend.
I went to bed early, was not in a good mood. I apologize.

April 08, 2012

Easter Sunday. The Lord has truly risen, Alleluia! We heard Mass at Queen of Angels parish where kuya Ado and his ‘angels’ – Norry, Grace, .. – used to be part of the community. The parish has a mixture of parishioners, a clear representation of the diversity of culture in Queens. We had breakfast at the parish hall after the mass which was organized and prepared by the Filipino community of the parish. Obviously, Perci and I were very much at home. Eating, chatting and picture taking followed.

NYC.  kuya Ado, Perci and I were supposed to see a Broadway musical tonight but unfortunately there was no good show available today.  Instead we ended up walking leisurely, enjoying the buzz and features of the city to the central park. Spring has so many things to do with the cozy atmosphere at the park. It brought grass and flowers into full blossom. I also had the first charcoal caricature of myself in 38 years. However I was not happy with the outcome because I looked 10 years younger, more like a teenager. I know it should be a compliment but it would be a different scenario for people who know me. I’ve felt the money I spent for it was not worth it. The only consolation was that I had it at central park, in NYC.

Then we met with ate Nora and ate Yolly who lived just two streets away from kuya Ado’s. The five of us had a good dinner and it was very happy to know how new friendships evolved and grew instantly. Perci and I met kuya Ado through JC, JC met kuya Ado through another friend. I met ate Nora and ate Yolly through ate Salome, a teacher in DIS and friend in Taiwan. Our family of friends is growing and that means we got many places to stay with during our next and future visits.

April 07, 2012

Easter Vigil. We have a windy weather today which made the trip to the city a little bit unpleasant. However, the unpleasant condition disappeared as soon as we reached the city which always gives my spirit a kind of stamina. The busy street is colored by diversity of race and social status and for visiting people like myself, I always find it entertaining to watch.

tita Zen, JC, PP and I attended the Easter Vigil at St Patrick’s basilica, presided by the vibrant and full of good humor, Archbishop Cardinal Nolan, OP. The liturgy was very good – they began and finished on time, the music and singing was joyfully inspiring, the readings and psalms were spiritually enriching and the homily of His Eminence was brief but abundant with grace and beauty: “the Resurrection of Christ is the ‘Passing Over’ from death to life – a beginning, hope, light and salvation made available to everyone.”

After the mass, kuya Ado took us around the still busy and colorfully lighted streets of the city. People seem not yet into condition going to bed and for them it seems the night has just began. We had dinner at Chevy’s, a Mexican restaurant which left a memorable experience for me and JC last year. Then off to kuya Ado’s place. Perci and I were already dead tired; my eyes were dropping already and longing to lay my head on bed but we forgot that kuya Ado is a ‘naturally born’ New Yorker. At past midnight he can still keep ‘moving.’ He even offered to mix a drink for the two of us but we refused. When we reached his place we thought we will call it a day. However, kuya Ado took us to his friend and former co-worker’s (?) place and had coffee. There we met ‘Ayush,’ the couple’s smart, loveable and good looking child. Unfortunately, we couldn’t keep up with his agility at that time of the hour – 3am.

April 06, 2012

Good Friday. We went to Blue Army Retreat House in Washington New Jersey. We are hoping to attend the liturgy service there but there was none today. Instead we enjoyed the natural beauty and tranquility of the place. Then we immediately drove to St Matthew the Apostle’s Parish at New Brunswick to attend the afternoon service – the veneration of the Cross.

The Parish is packed with people of different nationalities. The parish pastor is American-Polish, and his assistant comes from Africa. There are two permanent deacons in the parish who assist in the liturgy. The choir sung beautifully and appropriately which helped and made the service solemn and orderly.

April 05, 2012

I was in the plane for 8 hours. Thankfully we have landed and arrived to our destination safe and sound. It was not bad after all; even going through the Immigration line was easy. Immigration officers in the US are more courteous than any other countries I have been to. I waited an hour for JC; my bad because I didn’t inform her that I got myself booked with AA and not BA, so the confusion. Anyway, I was glad they finally arrived and we were able to hear the Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper.   

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