Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 81: Color Blind

In a Chinese restaurant, the waitress asked me if I am Thai. I said I'm a Filipino. She seemed not convinced so she asked me a second time. And I gave her the same answer. Finally, she gave up but mused a derogatory remark. She said, Thais and Filipinos are the same, by their skin color (referring that because both countries have a year round 'hot' climate that we become dark skinned). Keeping my cool I told her that yes, we're dark skinned (translated 'black' in Chinese, and it's a distaste) but that's different from being ‘black,’ like for example, majority of Africans are black. Perhaps due to the fact that this waitress' brain is as small as the size of her eyes that she exclaimed, "Oh, it's the same thing." Protesting calmly, I said, "No, it's not. Brown and Black are two different 'colors'" And I continued, "so following your argument, Chinese are Americans then?" You should have seen the look on her face. I just gave her a pill to shut her up.

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