Monday, July 18, 2011

Maybe Yes, Maybe No...

With the ‘scandal’ and ‘moral issues’ intimidating the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines for weeks now, many people find themselves either ‘defending’ or ‘questioning’ the credibility of the involved ‘leaders’, more so,  of Christ’s Church. A look at Carlo Carretto’s reflection may shed some light and help us to get involved in a reflective mind and amicable deeds.
How much I must criticize you, my church
and yet how much I love you!
You have made me suffer more than anyone
and yet I owe you more that I owe anyone.
I should like to see you destroyed
and yet I need your presence.
You have given me much scandal
and yet you alone have made me understand holiness.
Never in the world have I seen anything more obscurantist, more compromised, more false, yet never have I touched anything more pure, more generous or more beautiful.
Countless times I have felt like slamming the door of my soul in your face –
and yet, every night, I have prayed that I might die in your arms!
No, I cannot be free of you, for I am one with you, even if not completely you.
Then too – where should I go?
To build another church?
But I cannot build another church without the same defects,
 for they are my own defects.
And again, if I were to build another church, it would be my church,
not Christ’s church.
No, I am old enough. I know better!

1 comment:

Lallie said...

Very well expressed by the author. We do know better.