Sunday, July 10, 2011

15th Sunday in OT (Mt 13: 1-23)

One of the difficult but important challenges each time we read the Scriptures is finding fresh ideas from it. It is difficult because it takes time for fresh ideas to develop. It is important because such ideas will eventually bring out change on how we treat life. This reality brings out two certain truths:

  1. We need wisdom which the Holy Spirit provides.
  2. God’s words is life and alive.

Like in today’s Gospel reading, not only Jesus spoke in parable but he also explained the meaning of the parable when the disciples asked him about it. Why Jesus speaks in parable? We got the answer. What’s the meaning of the parable he just told. We had the explanation. So what other truth can we still deduce from it when Jesus’ explanation is very simple and clear?

However, when Jesus spoke the parable, he spoke it to them, about them and with them.  We have here the same speaker and the same message yet referring to three different kinds of situation, audience and meaning. Within these three is the challenge: what have I got to do with it? Is Jesus speaking to me, about me or with me?

If He is speaking to me, do I hear Him? If Jesus is speaking about me, do I realize it? If He is speaking with me, do I understand?

Having a bountiful or disastrous life depends on how we react to the teachings we were imparted. While direct confrontation brings denial, anger and insecurities, speaking in slightly different tone creates an impact to analytic mind and gives room for self realization. 

The message is simple and clear yet it needs a listening ear.

我們每次閱讀聖經的時候其中一個最困難而最重要的挑戰是我們如何找到一個新的想法和意義. 一方面很困難是因為發揮新的idea需要長的時間. 另一方面很重要是因為那找到了新的idea就會發出在我們如何對待生命新的想法與態度從這個角度來看我們可以肯定兩個真理:

1.    我們需要天主聖神的靈感
2.    天主聖言是生命與有活力的生命.





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