Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bad luck, Fate, Lessons from Above?

I got up this morning a little bit lazy. You know the kind of “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” feeling. I got up anyway and attended our Lauds (I will say mass tonight in another parish). I went back to bed right after and slept a little longer. I woke up again, had my breakfast and prepared to go to school.  I tried a different route going to the school today, just to satiate my curiosity on whether I could spend less time or just to prove a point that I have alternative, should I run out of time. I knew it was rush hour and yet I wheeled to that direction. Obviously the result is the opposite. I arrived in school anyway.

I left the school a few minutes ahead of the bell in order to exit smoothly from the campus and in order to avoid the shame of driving my car along side Ferraris and Lexi. I managed my way out, driving very smoothly towards home. Just a few blocks my place I have decided to try another route which for some time entertaining my curious mind. Again, calculating the time I will save and the possibility of having alternatives. The road is a bit narrow, side by side cars occupying the inner lane. Presto, as I approached a crossroad a speeding goods truck suddenly appeared and there I bumped my car. I was okay, shocked but managed to confront the driver of the truck. Of course, no one is admitting the mistake so I dialed for help. It was my second car accident here in Taiwan, the first time some three years ago.

*already repaired*
My car bumped his and whether it was his mistake or not, the sketch will clearly decide in favor of him. My car was greatly damaged, his with a very minute scratch. A policeman came but gave us the option to settle it amicably, meaning I still ended up handing the driver a thousand NT. He just told me to charge what happened to bad luck. Am I infuriated? No. Was it my mistake? Partly. But why did I allow having it settled that way? Again, the sketch will clearly show I bumped his truck. So it was really bad luck for both of us, or just me? But I didn’t look it that way. I went home, shocked but in a very deep reflective mood. In my mind is the question ‘What is God telling me?’ You may be hissing to tell me to leave God out of the picture and just be careful, period! But it is a fact that in driving no matter how careful you are if other drivers are not, then you will still meet an accident. Then should we leave what happened to fate? And our arguments will go on. So I will just settle myself with my first question, What is the message of God to me?

I will tell you tomorrow or as soon as I receive an answer. I am sure God is telling me something. In the meantime, I will rest but keep myself open and waiting for His message. Please say not just a little but a bunch of prayer for me. Thank you. And yes, I will be more careful, hopefully it will not happen again.

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