Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Searching for the Precious Treasure in Our Life's Journey

What is life?
Life is a journey. We travel everyday and everyday we become a new person. The road will be smooth, rocky and rough but the learning experience born out of it will be our gate pass towards our destination. We also see sign posts or meet post masters to remind and redirect us in times when we feel disheartened, discouraged or scared.

Why do we search?
We search because we feel there is something missing in our life. It could be things, career, ambition, or vocation. We search because we want to fulfill the emptiness we feel inside our hearts. It is only when our heart is filled that we can go on with our life with beauty and meaning.

What do we search?
Most of our problem lies not on the fact that we could not find what we want. The problem actually lies on our inability to make clear what we want. When I was studying Chinese one of my teachers told me that in order for me to really appreciate learning the language, I must first need to clear my purpose why do I have to study Mandarin. She added everything will be easy to accomplish when my goal is clearly set.

How do we search?
It is also critical to know what available means we have because if we use inappropriate means if could lead us to disaster, frustration, loneliness, chaotic life, greed and apathy. By knowing means decisive and optimistic thinking. Risks will always be part of the whole process but the one who believes will always succeed. However it does not end by just knowing the potentialities but by converting them into realities. After decision was made all effort should be towards action; towards the fulfillment of the desired end.

When do we search?
The Bible says, there is always time for everything. This is precisely the meaning of “perfect timing”. This however is not easy at it sounded unless one possesses wisdom, by that I mean having a good judgment. Do not rely on emotion because it fades. However never allow it to fade without having a realization out of which courage and perseverance come out. The harvest of a good fruit is the product of a long (patience) waiting and constant (determination) rearing.

Where do we search?
We need a place for searching. Our life is the place for searching. Our heart is also the place for searching because God resides in it.

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