Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11: The Beautiful (part 3)

This man stopped to check on his mobile phone. Common sense dictates it is not safe to do both (riding his bicycle and send a text message at the same time). Is he smart to consider his safety or risking his life for the sake of a message? 

In life, do we stop to consider our safety? Do we stop in order to continue or because we find no reason to move on? Are we contended in a ‘safe’ life or challenge ourselves to risk in lieu of a nobler purpose?

Is he alone and wasted? He may be alone and with less yet enjoying life. We may be surrounded with many things but deep within alone and empty.

The next time we express our admiration at the magnificent structure like this, we might as well consider admiring more the people who under ‘forced labor’ and brutal conditions built this structure. It happened in the past but are we aware it is happening in the present?


The commuter asks for direction, the traffic officer points the direction. In our questioning, do we ask the right question? Do we go and find the right person for direction?
On the other side of the coin, sometimes the traffic officer asks about (your) direction and you giving him (her) the direction. Don’t be surprised if the person you find to ask for direction answers you with a question. 

Odd as it can be to ponder that perhaps there is really no wrong question, only wrong answer.

to be continued...

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